Group Psychotherapy - Safety and Progress in Numbers

Group Psychotherapy helps clients feel more supported and comfortable as they address issues that they have in common with others in the group, including: grief, relationships, addictions, anger, trauma and low self-esteem.

Support Groups for Children and Teens in Schools

Some Support Groups offered:
  • After Divorce
  • Death of a Loved one
  • Building Connections
  • Don't Get Mean Beam
  • Being a Leader

*All groups can be designed for any age group. Length of groups can be from one hour to a weekly eight-week group.

Groups for Senior Programs for Assisted Living, Skilled Care and Senior Centers

Clinical Goals include:
  • Increase Social Support Network
  • Increase Coping Skills
  • Reduce Depression and Anxiety
  • Reduce Isolation
  • Increase Adjustment to moving in
  • Increase Self-Expression
  • Increase Self-Esteem
  • Increase Problem Solving Skills
  • Slow down Progression of Dementia

Connections- a six week expressive arts therapy group

Focus: on relationships

Goals of Connections:
  • Improve Social Support Network
  • Increase Coping Skills
  • Reduce Depression and Anxiety
  • Increase Self-Expression
  • Increase Self-Esteem
  • Increase Problem Solving Skills

Outline of Group:

Week 1: Saying Hello-Introductions
Art Project: Who Am I? Portraits
Week 2: Communication
Art Project: Communication Games
Week 3: Friendship
Art Project: Friendship Circles
Week 4: Family
Art Project: Family Trees
Week 5: Spouses
Art Project: Love Letters
Week 6: Building Bridges
Art Project: Building Bridges with Stone Sculptures and Psychodrama


Other  Expressive Arts Groups

Open Art Studio- will use art and writing to promote self-expression and process feelings

What's Next?-A Psychodrama/Problem Solving Group

Making Lemonade- a support group for widows and widowers

Having Our Say- a group that encourages people to take care of unfinished business through role-play and discussion

Moving with Spirit- Movement Therapy group- to increase body awareness, self-expression and self-confidence

Abstract Expressions- for stress reduction and confidence building-being done

Sensory Exploration Group- exploring the world through all five senses. A nonverbal approach to self-expression, self-understand and communicating with others Being Done

Bibliotherapy Group- Therapeutic story-telling group to address issues of family, self-esteem, relationships

Blessings and Gifts- is a psycho-spiritual group to address spiritual, community and emotional needs for Shabbat Being Done(Friend Center)

Me and My Body- a body awareness group that helps build more awareness and more positive connection between the participant's body/mind/spirit

Music Circle- through music and percussion instruments will learn to express themselves, build self-esteem and social cooperation.

 Length of groups can be from one hour to a weekly eight-week group.
